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meet nicola

Like many women I’ve struggled with the “not good enough” story.
From my teens into my 30’s it would show up regularly in my relationship with my body.
I spent years chasing numbers on the scales. Moving from extreme diets, to starving myself then to binge eating.
20+ years of wishing my body looked different, something had to give. One day I found myself thinking I needed something for me, and I found myself joining the local gym.
This was the very beginning of my journey back to my body.
Body building helped me to tap into my own strength. It gave me freedom I didn’t think I’d ever experience.
Weight training completely changed the way I saw myself…and the world around me.
As my body shape changed I notice my mental health improve. I felt more confident in my own skin. As I started to like myself, I stopped comparing myself to other women.
Of course, like all journeys it wasn’t without its ups & downs. At 37 I underwent a hysterectomy. My confidence took a major hit. Not being able to train, I spiralled back into old habits and patterns. I felt like I was back where I started.
It took a few months but eventually I found the motivation to start training again. And it was then that I entered my first body building competition.
I know first hand that this path is not linear. You will experience many bumps along the way. And that’s OK!
I’m here to help you navigate your way to a better relationship with your body.
I’ve dedicated the last 20 years to sharing what I’ve learnt from my own journey with women who are ready to confidently embrace their version of what it means to be a “strong woman” and step into their own power.


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